sabato 20 agosto 2011

Modern Warfare 3: Rivelata la lista delle ricompense per le uccisioni?

Le ricompense per le serie di uccisioni sono fondamentali nei videogiochi sparatutto. Queste infatti permettono di migliorare notevolmente le proprie possibilità di uccidere i nostri avversari senza morire e nel caso abbiamo scelto supporti aerei o simili si dà un po' di varietà al solito spara-corri-spara.
Oggi vi proponiamo la lista delle presunte ricompense che saranno disponibili nel prossimo Call of Duty, ovvero Modern Warfare 3. La lista è stata volutamente lasciata in inglese per evitare di utilizzare termini "non ufficiali", ma non appena Activision rilascerà la traduzione italiana definitiva vi promettiamo che la condivideremo.

Assault Killstreaks
4 Kills – Care Package
5 Kills – IMS – 3 or 4 placeable landmines that cannot be stunned or flashed
5 Kills – Predator Missile
5 Kills – Sentry Gun
6 Kills – Precision Airstrike
7 Kills – Attack Helicopter
7 Kills – Little Bird Flock – Mini Helicopters which patrol the map
9 Kills – Little Bird Guard – Big Helicopter that follows you from above and protects you
9 Kills – Mortar team – Mortar team but with 5 predator missiles – all go off at the same time in different places
10 Kills – Talcon – Mini Tank Robot
12 Kills – AC130
12 Kills – Pavelow
15 Kills – Juggernaught Suit – From spec Ops ( for anyone who sais in the spec ops video he gets it at 14 kills, well thats because he has hardline on)

Support Killstreaks
4 Kills – UAV
5 Kills – Counter UAV
5 Kills – Ballistic Duffel – Drop Juggernaught perk for the whole team, not jugg suit
5 Kills – Airdrop Trap – Drops a hacked care package
8 Kills – Sam Turret
10 Kills – Remote UAV – Target enemies with missiles
12 Kills – Advanced UAV – Blackbird
12 Kills – Remote Turret – Sentry Gun that you can control
12 Kills – Stealth Bomber
18 Kills – EMP
18 Kills – Juggernaught Recon Armour – Care Package Drop Armour
18 Kills – Escort Airdrop – Drops 5 care packages, one will be hacked

Specialist Killstreak
2 Kills – You get 1 extra perk
4 Kills – Get another perk
6 Kills – Get another perk

Plus = With Pro added

Tier 1

Extreme Conditioning – Sprint longer distances + Climb obstacles faster
Sleight Of Hand – Reload faster + Faster weapon swapping
Scavanger – Reload ammo from bags + Spawn with more ammo
Blind Eye – Undetectable from air support + Faster launcher lock on and extra damage to air support
Recon – Explosive damage marks target on HUD + Bullet damage marks target on HUD

Tier 2

Hardline – One less kill for Killstreak + Two assists count as a kill towards next killstreak
Assassin – Immune to UAV, Motion Sensor, Thermal and Heartbeat Sensor + Immune to CUAV & EMP
Overkill – Two primary weapons + Second primary can have 2 attachments
Quckdraw – Faster aim down sights + Faster animation of using equipment and throwing grenade
Blastshield – Flack Jacket (Immune to most explosives) + Immune to stuns and flashes

Tier 3

Sitrep – Enemy equipment is visible + Enemy footsteps are more clear
Dead Silence – Your footsteps are silent + No fall damage
Stalker – Faster movement with ADS + Delay on claymores
Marksman – ID target from range + Longer hold breath on scoped weapons
Steady Aim – Increased hip fire accuracy + Faster aim down sight while sprinting.

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